Archive for July 26, 2011

Candy Sushi!!!

On Monday night, we hosted our first ever teen candy sushi event…and it was awesome!  I was completely blown away by how creative our Syosset teens were.

For our sushi materials, I bought Rice Krispie treats, marshmallows, Twinkies, Yodels, Fruit by the Foot, Gummy Worms, Swedish Fish, Jelly Belly jelly beans, Sour Patch Kids, gummy raspberries, sprinkles, and green icing “wasabi”.  Plus other assorted items from the children’s cupcake program earlier in the day (bonus!)

We didn’t give any real instructions, other than showing some pictures and offering up some suggestions on how to use the materials (like smush the rice krispies and wrap them with the fruit roll ups, put a swedish fish on top, stuff like that).  It was the originality of the teens that led to amazing creations:

love the colors here!


sushi chefs at work

I was seriously impressed, and even tried it myself, using a twinkie and some jelly raspberries to create the look of fish roe:

Next time I will make sure to buy more Rice Krispie Treats and Fruit by the Foot, but otherwise, I could be happier with how the event went!
Nice work to all the sushi chefs!
Sharon Long
Teen Services Librarian

showing off my stuff

Harry Potter Day!


The Sorting Hat

On Friday, July 15, we transformed the library into the Wizarding World of Harry Potter for our special event: Harry Potter Day!
It was a volunteer program run by our wonderful teen helpers who were in charge of 30 young witches and wizards for the spell-binding afternoon event.
A little over a year ago, I started brainstorming an idea for a teen “fair” that would combine crafts, games and snacks that would have

Young wizards about to be sorted

manned stations around the room so that the kids could walk around and sample different things for themselves.  But in order to pull off such an event, I needed much advance planning and a theme.  Then it hit me: the last ever Harry Potter movie was coming out on July 15, 2011!  Aha!  And thus, Harry Potter Day was born!

First things first, we ushered the wizards in and showed them a clip of the Sorting Hat in action, so they knew what to expect.  Then they were sorted into the 4 Hogwarts houses: Gryffindor, Syltherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

Sorting in action

Ravenclaw! I think…

After everyone was sorted, we handed out the magic bookmark passes that outlined the events to choose from.

Bookmark passes

Then they were on their way.  Events included:

  • a table to make Harry Potter glasses out of pipecleaners and get a lightning bolt tattoo to take home
  • Ollivander’s Wand Shop where wizards made their own wands out of chocolate-dipped pretzel rods
  • wizard hats out of chocolate cookies and Hershey’s kisses
  • broomstick pencil topper crafts
  • The Three Broomsticks



Broomsticks for quidditch


Dress like Harry Potter

Three Broomsticks Pub
Ollivander’s Wand Shop
Butterbeer! (Underage wizards consumed no alcohol!)

Wizards in action!

After trying the various crafts and goodies, we rounded up the group for raffles (we gave away Harry Potter Legos, bookmarks, pens, and themed candy).  We had some time for trivia on the big screen and then it was time to hand out the favors: Jelly Belly’s in little cauldrons to replicate Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans (without the gross flavors, sorry!)

Bertie Botts

We had around 60 kids and teens attend our special day, and I think everyone left happy, hyper and excited to see the movie later that weekend.  It was a great event and we will definitely be having more volunteer programs so don’t forget to register for programs!

Your Hogwarts Headmistress,
Sharon Long

30 Day Book Challenge

Although I cannot claim originality on this one, I did decide to participate in a 30 Day Book Challenge on facebook.

The rules are simple: just answer the book question of the day and post a link to the book on your wall as a satus update.  You can also post on the facebook group called “30 Day Book Challenge”.

Here are the rules: 

Create a photo album and use Photobucket, Amazon, or Shelfari (or some other site with pictures of books) to share pictures of the books on this list day by day.

Day 1: Favorite book
Day 2: Least favorite book
Day 3: Book that makes you laugh out loud
Day 4: Book that makes you cry
Day 5: Book you wish you could live in
Day 6: Favorite young adult book
Day 7: Book that you can quote/recite
Day 8: Book that scares you
Day 9: Book that makes you sick
Day 10: Book that changed your life
Day 11: Book from your favorite author
Day 12: Book that is most like your life
Day 13: Book whose main character is most like you
Day 14: Book whose main character you want to marry
Day 15: First “chapter book” you can remember reading as a child
Day 16: Longest book you’ve read
Day 17: Shortest book you’ve read
Day 18: Book you’re most embarrassed to say you like
Day 19: Book that turned you on
Day 20: Book you’ve read the most number of times
Day 21: Favorite picture book from childhood
Day 22: Book you plan to read next
Day 23: Book you tell people you’ve read, but haven’t (or haven’t actually finished)
Day 24: Book that contains your favorite scene
Day 25: Favorite book you read in school
Day 26: Favorite nonfiction book
Day 27: Favorite fiction book
Day 28: Last book you read
Day 29: Book you’re currently reading
Day 30: Favorite coffee table book

If you are interested in following along, check out the TeenSpace facebook page here: 
Sharon Long
Teen Services Librarian